Some of the important features of Entity Framework 5.0
EF 5.0 can be used in Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012. It is
used with .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5. With .NET 4.5, this release introduces some
new features
§ Enum support:
§ Spatial Data Types
§ Performance Enhancement
Ø Repeat Execution Time
Ø automatic compilation
Ø End to end performance
§ CF will detect if you have localDB available for creating new database
§ CF will add tables to existing db
§ Table Valued functions
Enum Support:
Entity framework 5 provides support for Enum datatype. Now a property or
field in a class can be declared as a Enum Type. Entity framework will
successfully save the entity in DB and will display it back. But it will not
store Enum type as static data in table rather will store the enum type as int
value type.
Public enum Color {
Public Class Car
Public Color
Public decimal
Price {get;set;}
Public string BrandName {get;set;}
If we create an instance of Car and save into the database table.
Car mycar = new Car();
mycar. BodyColor = Color.Red;
mycar.Price = 800000.00;
mycar.BrandName = “DZX”;
Table will have the data BodyColor as 2. (base value). There will not be
any static table with records as White, Black, Red and Yellow.